Home » IEPs For ADHD » Alice Wong Richmond School Board Candidate Supports ADHD Students in BC Schools, Will Ask For #IEPsForADHD

Alice Wong Richmond School Board Candidate Supports ADHD Students in BC Schools, Will Ask For #IEPsForADHD

Alice Wong Richmond pic

Alice Wong Twitter @trusteewong Richmond school board candidate supports ADHD students in BC schools and will ask BC Education Minister Rob Fleming to follow through on his promise to ADHD students in BC to add ADHD as a stand-alone category in special education so ADHD students can get accommodations and IEP’s (Individual Education Programs.) #IEPsForADHD

And @trusteewong has a great idea here. I hope other BC school trustees follow her lead.

“I will also encourage to raise a motion at BCSTA Provincial Council to have IEPs for ADHD students in BC.”

Thanks @trusteewong I hope other school board Trustees in Richmond will follow your lead and commit to asking BC Education Minister Rob Fleming when he will fulfil his promise to ADHD students add ADHD as a stand-alone category in special education that he made more than 10 months ago (December 4th, 2017).


Here are the emails with one of our volunteers.


From: Alice Wong

Subject: Re: IEP for ADHD students


I received many parents came to me complaining their kids who with ADHD without the teacher’s attention and concerned with.

I brought the parent’s voice to the Schools of Superintendent for requesting to solve the problem what the students faces. Public school system ensures all students have equity learning opportunity.

I will support IEPs for ADHD students in the Richmond School District.

If I elected, I will bring this issue to the Board for writing a letter to advocate the Minister of Education Rob Fleming to commit his promise that put ADHD in a stand-alone category in special education.

I will also encourage to raise a motion at BCSTA Provincial Council to have IEPs for ADHD students in BC.


Best regards,

Alice S. Wong

Richmond Board of Education”


If you see any other political parties or independent school board candidates who have any policies on the biggest number of students with special needs, ADHD in their platform, please thank them and send me that information so I can post it online.

Always important to reward good behaviour on ADHD because it is so rare by politicians.

Will you join us in asking your local school board trustee candidates if they’ll ask bcndp education minister Rob Fleming to give BC ADHD students #IEPsForADHD as he promised BC ADHD Students 10 months ago?

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