Here is a list of school board trustees in bc you can contact to ask if they support #IEPsForADHD.
Board of Education Trustee 2018 General Local Elections list
By Elections BC. Lists jurisdiction, election area, office (Board of Education Trustee, or councillor or park board) candidate name.
Political parties (elector organizations)
By Elections BC. Mainly lists Metro Vancouver political parties in: Abbotsford, Burnaby, Delta, New Westminster, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver, and White Rock. But also political parties in Nelson, Saanich, Sechelt and Victoria. Outside those cities, all school board candidates are all independents, AND there are also independents running in some of those cities with political parties too.
If you live in Vancouver there are 33 candidates running for 9 school board trustee positions.
Click on the link to the election 2018 section of the city of Vancouver’s website to see the different candidates: Top 3 priorities, platform, biography, social media accounts, website, contact info and candidate documents, namely their nomination papers and their statement of disclosure.
For other cities or communities google the city and elections and you should be able to find similar lists
So what you can do is google their name and city and find their website or name and city and Twitter or Facebook account, (many will have them) and contact them directly on social media, or by phone or by going to a town hall or debate on school board issues or if they have a coffee shop meet and greet meeting or if they’re in a political party the party will have a storefront office.
What School District Am I In?
Here’s a BC govt site where you can input your community, then chose one school from the list and it will show what district you are in. As well as other contact info to the school. Don’t call the school to see who’s running for school board, instead find the website of your city, town or village and they should have the details on their site, or contact them to see.
Here is a map of BC’s school districts.