B.K. Anderson Twitter @bkanderson1976 school board candidate for Idea Party in Vancouver supports ADHD students in BC schools and will ask BC Education Minister Rob Fleming to follow through on his promise to ADHD students in BC to add ADHD as a stand-alone category in special education so ADHD students can get accommodations and IEP’s (Individual Education Programs.) #IEPsForADHD
Thanks @bkanderson1976 I hope other school board Trustees in Vancouver will follow your lead and commit to asking BC Education Minister Rob Fleming when he will fulfil his promise to ADHD students add ADHD as a stand-alone category in special education that he made more than 10 months ago (December 4th, 2017).
Her Email Answer To One Of Our Volunteers
Reprinted with permission.
“Thank you for your email. I will definitely commit to holding the Ministry of Education accountable to their promise to designate ADHD students so they can be given the support they need.
My own son was diagnosed as a child with ADHD and also had no support through school. He was also an introverted child and suffered from low self-esteem and bullying because of his lack of impulse control.
I had to change schools three times to try to get him support and ended up sending him to a private school for two years. He is now an adult running his own business but his school years were a challenge to say the least.
I very much understand your concerns and if elected I would work hard to ensure these students get the support they need. ADHD students have been neglected for too long and they deserve a fullly supported education as much as other students with different learning challenges.
You can count on me to advocate for ADHD students as much as for all other students.
Kind regards,
B.K. Barbara Anderson”
If you see any other political parties or independent school board candidates who have any policies on the biggest number of students with special needs, ADHD in their platform, please thank them and send me that information so I can post it online. Always important to reward good behaviour on ADHD because it is so rare by politicians
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